Tutoring Services


We assist underachieving students in 2nd-12th grades in preparation for successful completion of core subjects through one-on-one tutoring and homework assistance sessions.

We strive to build a positive and supportive relationship that will engage and motivate students to work towards improving ability and effort in academic subjects, attitude about school and academic achievement, and increased interest in pursuing higher education.

No training or experience required; we meet the students where there are.

Youth Tutors (under 18) are also welcome to volunteer and earn community service hours with parental consent.

MAD4YU will ONLY offer tutoring and homework help VIRTUALLY this school year for Elementary, Middle, and High School Students.

Our GoSchoolBox Tutoring and Homework Site is available 24x7 Monday – Sunday

MAD4YU GoSchoolBox Services:

  • Elementary (2nd-5th), Middle (6th-8th), and High School (9th-12th) Students
  • Availability: Monday – Sunday, based on scheduling

Features of our Peer-to-Peer Tutoring Program:

  • Online Lesson Space: Host tutoring sessions in-person or online!
  • Free access to our virtual whiteboard, text editor, code editor, and video chat.
  • Integrate with your video-chat provider.

Note: In addition, if the tutor agrees, in person sessions can be held at a local library, at an agreed upon location, day(s) and time(s).